Is It OK For Your Child to Skip Preschool and Join Kindergarten?

 Kindergarten Pascoe Vale

Melbourne parents are always faced with a dilemma on whether or not to let their kids enroll in preschool or directly go to kindergarten.

Some parents consider preschool as an important step in their children’s life while others want to let their children spend as much time as possible at home before they go to the actual school.

Both the cases are right and in almost all countries, preschool education is not mandatory. So, you have the flexibility to decide whether to join your kid directly in kindergarten schools of Pascoe Vale or any other suburb in Melbourne.

However, if you want absolute clarity on what is best – preschool or kindergarten, here are the pros and cons of skipping preschool that you will let you decide for sure.

Pros of Skipping Preschool:

  • You can avoid expensive preschool fees

Though preschool doesn’t include the actual school education, you will have to pay fees in the terms of standard schooling which is quite expensive. In some schools, the yearly fee is sometimes more than you pay for college. So, unless you and your spouse are earning in good figures, you will have to consider joining your kid in preschool. It can be hard for stay-at-home parents to spend such a huge amount on a preschool that doesn’t come under academic experience for their child.

  • Gives your child more family time

Skipping preschool gives you more time to spend with your child. Your entire family can enjoy the mischievous tactics and playful activities of your children before they get focused on the academic work. Though your child doesn’t remember any of the activity when they grow up, you and your family can have mindful memories with your children. You can later share the same with your kids and talk about how they are so loved in the family.

  • Not all children are ready for preschool

Parents have to understand that each child is unique and have their own development curve. While some kids show excitement to learn new things like alphabets, numbers, and rhymes, others may not be that much interested. They take things slow, and enrolling them in preschool before they are ready makes them skip learning altogether. It is an adverse effect that’s going to affect your kid’s future. So always look for signs of development and then only think about the best preschool of Pascoe Vale.

  • Kids get individual attention at home

Some kids crave individual attention from all the family members at home. And your kid can get it whenever needed. However, in preschool, your kid’s attention from the teachers is divided among twenty other children and sometimes this may upset your kid. It only happens when your kid is not ready to be separated from the family members.

Preschool Pascoe Vale

Pros of Not Skipping Preschool:

  • Allows your kid to build socialising skills

If your kid is active at home but seems to be dull and unengaged while going outside places like parks, it means your kid needs a socialising booster. In this case, enrolling your kid in preschool gives you benefits as it slowly builds socialising and cooperating skills in your kid. It also creates confidence and manners while talking to other people when your kid eventually moves to kindergarten.

  • Preschool gives a head start to the actual school

Almost every child cries on their first day of school. While some kids get over this sadness in a few days, however, some kids cannot. They dread going to school and they may cry uncontrollably each day if you prepare them for school. To avoid this in your kid’s kindergarten years, enrolling them in preschool gives them a head start. It prepares your child for the academic world without you facing many difficulties. Learn here how to help your child settle into childcare.

  • Observe Your Kid for Developmental Qualities!

Whether you join in Preschool or kindergarten school in Pascoe Vale, always remember to observe developmental qualities in your child. They are certain signs that children show if they are ready to move on to the next stage of their life. Look for it and then only consider joining your kids in preschool or kindergarten.