6 Things To Consider Before Bathroom Renovations For Seniors

bathroom renovations Malvern

According to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), one out of every three older individuals over the age of 65 falls each year. Approximately 80% of these incidents occur in the bathroom. Bathrooms are a fall potential threat because of the slick surfaces, messy flooring, and lack of support bars. This is especially true for those who have poor coordination and endurance, as well as declining eyesight.

So, the key to making your loved one feel independent and comfortable is to build safe and accessible toilets. Fortunately, you always can make a few changes or a comprehensive bathroom renovation in Malvern to ensure senior bathroom safety. When renovating your bathroom, though, safety must be a top priority. You can, for example, add toilet safety bars to offer additional support.

Here are six things to consider to make your bathroom senior-friendly.

  1. Make a bathroom on the ground floor

Climbing a standard flight of steps is almost as difficult for many elders with aching knees and hips as climbing Mount Everest. Unless you can afford to relocate to a cottage, having a bathroom on the ground floor is one of the easiest options to achieve a home more senior-friendly.

To be sure, installing a bathroom is a substantial project but you can find many affordable bathroom renovation services in Malvern. However, if you don't have it, going to the bathroom 5–7 times per day becomes will become a misery and a waste of time both.

  1. Ensure the bathroom is big enough

Mobility aids such as walking sticks, walkers, and wheelchairs are used by some seniors. Such equipment needs a lot more space to manoeuvre.

Consider how many public restrooms have wheelchair-accessible stalls. They're huge, and rightfully so. They provide a wheelchair user with enough room to turn entirely around to come to the toilet, raise themselves onto it, and get off.

To determine if your washroom has adequate space, perform this fun test: link arms with somebody and try to get to the toilet and turn about simultaneously. In most restrooms, you'll almost certainly run into the cabinets or the sink.

While this isn't a perfect measurement, it will give an indication of what a person using a wheelchair or walker is up against. Consult bathroom renovations experts in Malvern for proper guidance on space utilization.

Also, when it comes to bathrooms, there should be ample place for grab rails. Two grab bars, one on either side of the toilet, provide support. They enable a person to use their arm power to assist them in getting on and off the toilet.

  1. Adjust the height of the toilet and fixtures

For some elders, standing and sitting may be a major bother, and elevating the toilet seat height will make life simpler for those with tight, sore joints. To adjust the level of the toilet seat, purchase a height adaptor. The distance individuals must lower and lift themselves is reduced as a result. Near the toilet, grab bars must also be put. Adjust the sink's height so that people shouldn't have to bend over as much to use it. If any of the residents use a wheelchair, make sure the sink is at a comfortable height for them.

Bathroom Builders Malvern

  1. Non-slip floors

Most bathroom mishaps occur while someone is attempting to enter or exit a bathtub or shower. It's a slippery spot that's vulnerable to soapy water. It's here that a non-slip mat comes to the rescue! Non-slip mats should be put at bathroom entrances, in front of toilets, and directly near bathtubs and showers.

Ask your bathroom builders in Malvern for putting slip-resistant tiles in your bathroom if you're redesigning it to make it more senior-friendly. These may be put in the shower or throughout the bathroom. You can be sure of your safety with such an anti-slip coating.

  1. Install a shower bench

The ability to stay balanced when showering is something many of us take for granted. This skill, however, deteriorates with age. It is for this reason that shower or transfer benches are developed. You may relax and rest safely and comfortably while bathing with a transfer bench. The majority of shower seats are designed with convenience and sturdiness in mind. Suction cups and adjustable height options are available on some, while armrests are available on others.

  1. Improve lighting

One of the numerous things that deteriorate as we age is our eyesight, which can lead to hazy vision and/or difficulties seeing in dim light. To remedy this, additional lighting, stronger lights, and the elimination of dark regions in showers are all options.

While it has nothing to do with pipework, excellent lighting is crucial in preventing falls. It also makes grooming procedures such as flossing, shaving, and hairstyling considerably easier.

Final note...

When redesigning a bathroom for the seniors, it's critical to make improvements that allow them to walk freely throughout the space without falling. To do this, you'll want to consider a range of bathroom renovation options in Malvern.