Keeping Roots Out of Your Drain Pipes

Plumbing Services South Yarra

When a root penetrates a pipe in its search for water, cracks or leaks can result, leading to expensive plumbing repairs.

In this way, even small root threads can quickly grow into larger root balls. These usually lead to a complete blockage of the pipe, because many solids and residues from the wastewater are deposited on them. Wastewater can also back up because there is no longer any flow.

In addition to general preventive measures, the drain cleaning companies can help here. Using root cutters, for example, the pipe cleaning cook provides a quick remedy.

How can roots get into the sewers?

The powers of a root are so great that it can slowly and steadily disintegrate even large rocks. Something similar also happens with sewer pipes. Even the small gap with its seal represents a point for penetration.

The roots can thus gradually impede drainage. Conventional things also lead to blockage in this case. If the classic causes of blockage are eliminated, a tracking shot in the pipe will unmask the blockage. Usually, something gets stuck at the roots and over time this always brings something new with it. In this way, a clog can form, which increasingly clogs the drain.

It is not uncommon for plants and trees to grow in the area of sewage pipes. Roots grow into these canal systems due to leaking or poor pipe connections and possible cavities or due to insufficient compaction.

In many older pipelines, there are very good bases for such growth, because the environment is damp, warm and at the same time rich in nutrients. The damage resulting from this, however, can assume high proportions. This is not only related to the material but concerning the costs incurred for removal or repair.

Restricting the growth of tree roots in sewer pipes

Soil solutions, proper placement of trees and plants, and properly installed sewers made of durable tubing material are the most important measures to prevent tree roots from growing into the sewers.

In principle, the implementation of active and passive protection measures is recommended

Trees with low damage potential are also important. A property and house owner needs to check exactly how many and where trees should be planted. In general, the number of trees planted near the sewage pipes should remain small.

Smaller trees, which have flat root structures and are therefore also suitable for planting near the sewage pipes, are primarily useful. Many evergreen plants such as fruit trees or cypresses are considered to be quite harmless and reduce the risk of pipes being damaged.

Larger trees must be always kept away from the underground sewage system. Some tree species are known from practice that put down roots very quickly and therefore must not come near the sewage pipes under any circumstances. These include poplar, maple, birch, willow, aspen, elm and Russian olive.

Plastic pipes are often the sustainable option. If possible measures to restrict the tree roots in the sewage system are not taken, the sewage pipe threatens to become blocked. In any case, root invasion is less likely if the drains are securely sealed and in good general condition.

Roots can also break through if there’s a weakness in the pipes. Make sure the pipes are always in good condition by getting an inspection through your local plumber. You can kill the roots chemically via copper sulphate septic treatment.

The elimination of a root milling

First of all, when removing a root milling, it is necessary to determine where the root ingrowths are located in the canals and pipes. These are detected during pipe cleaning or drain cleaning using modern sewer TV technology. All devices of the individual companies are equipped with that modern technology.

After the company has localized the ingrowths, root milling can begin. Electromechanical milling machines with different milling heads or high-pressure milling machines are used for this - depending on which technology is best suited for the respective case. These methods do not use any chemicals at all and are therefore particularly environmentally friendly.

During such an operation, all roots that have grown into the pipe or canal are completely and reliably removed. Thanks to the localization, the employees know exactly where the machines have to be used and this saves costs and time. At the same time, an assessment can be carried out as to whether a more inline or short liner renovation should be carried out due to the existing damage.

This is most often the case when the pipes and sewers are so badly damaged that there is leakage of sewage into the ground or there are repeated root ingrowths through leaks and cracks as well as misaligned sockets. Call a professional plumber so that the problem can be diagnosed properly. They can use a camera to see inside the pipes and advise you of the best course of action.

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