Prevent Back Problems

Back Pain Richmond

Trauma, such as a fall or a vehicle accident, can cause back discomfort. Most back discomfort is caused by an ordinary action performed incorrectly, such as twisting to reach or move an object, sitting in the same posture for hours at a computer, leaning over to vacuum, or lifting shopping bags. You're not alone if you've been sidelined by a bad back. Back discomfort affects four out of every five individuals at some point, making it the second most prevalent cause of going to the doctor. In this case, a chiropractor.

Back pain may take many forms, ranging from a subtle aching to sudden intense pain, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. It can occur as a result of a sprain, fracture, or other types of unintentional injury. A sickness or medical condition, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, or spinal stenosis, might cause it (a narrowing of the spinal canal through which the spinal cord runs). Many people suffer from back discomfort as a result of being overweight or inactive.

The good news is that most lower back pain improves in a matter of days or weeks, and surgery is seldom required. Furthermore, basic self-help measures like these can be surprisingly successful in avoiding and treating back pain:

Exercise Your Back and Keep It Strong

Getting up and moving is one of the most essential things you can do to avoid back discomfort. Why does exercise help to keep back discomfort at bay? Muscles are designed to be active. If you're out of shape, you're more likely to injure your back and have discomfort when doing even simple tasks like raising your child from his bed. Exercise also keeps your joints lubricated. Another reason exercise helps you avoid back discomfort is that it helps you maintain a healthy weight – being overweight, particularly around your stomach, puts additional strain on your back. So, keep yourself indulged in any form of physical activity and keep your body active to avoid any back pain.

Low Back Pain Treatment Richmond

Try And Stay Within a Healthy Weight Range

As discussed in the above point, extra weight, particularly around the stomach, can aggravate back discomfort by altering your centre of gravity and placing strain on your lower back. Maintaining a weight that is within 10 pounds of your optimal weight may aid in the management of back pain. In simple words, don’t let your weight exceed a certain weight limit. It can be achieved by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet.

Get enough vitamin D and Calcium

Osteoporosis may be avoided by having strong bones. It's one of the most prevalent reasons for back discomfort in older people, especially women. Consume lots of calcium and vitamin D to keep your spine's bones healthy.

Get vitamin and calcium

Calcium may be found in:

  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Nutritional supplements

Vitamin D may be found in: 

  • Fatty fish 
  • Egg yolks
  • Cheese 
  • Beef liver

Before using any supplements, talk to your doctor.

Sleep on your side

You should avoid sleeping on your back. The ideal sleeping posture is on your side. Put a pillow beneath your lower belly if you must sleep on your stomach to relieve tension on your back. It's also important to have a supportive mattress and a cushion for your head. Getting adequate restorative sleep is always a key component of staying healthy. You will also sleep better at night if you exercise throughout the day.

Maintain proper posture

Our backs are stressed when we sit at our computers for seven or eight hours a day. When people text, they lean over their computers and phones, unaware of the harm they're doing to their backs and the agony they're creating. Work at an ergonomically acceptable desk, both at work and home, and do stretching exercises to break up lengthy times in front of the computer. Maintaining the natural curvature of your back and keeping it strong is easier with excellent posture.

Simple lifestyle modifications can help you lower your risk of back discomfort. If you do feel back discomfort, though, don't dismiss it. It might be a symptom of something more serious. Discuss your symptoms with your chiropractor, as well as what you should do to identify and address the source.

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