What is an Arborist Report?

Professional Arborist Macedon

An arborist report is a detailed document that evaluates a particular tree's health, hazards, value, and life expectancy. It also includes information about the tree's species, size, age, origin, and diameter at breast height, among other characteristics. This report is crucial for various purposes, such as local permit applications, building permits, tree management plans, site consultations, root mapping, risk assessments, and resolving neighbour disputes.

What is an Arborist Report?

An arborist report is an essential document prepared by a qualified arborist that thoroughly assesses a tree's condition. It includes several critical components:

  • Health Assessment: Evaluates the overall health and vitality of the tree.
  • Hazard Identification: Identifies potential risks the tree might pose to people or property.
  • Value Estimation: Assesses the tree's arboricultural value, including aesthetic, environmental, and economic factors.
  • Life Expectancy: Predicts the tree's future health and longevity.
  • Additional Information: Details such as the tree’s species, size, age, origin, and diameter at breast height (DBH) are also documented.

Why is it Needed?

Arborist reports are needed for several reasons:

  • Local Permit Applications: Necessary when applying for permits to remove or alter trees.
  • Building Permits: Required for construction projects to ensure tree preservation and site safety.
  • Tree Management Plans: Helps in creating effective management strategies for tree maintenance and preservation.
  • Site Consultations: Provides expert opinions on tree health and management during site assessments.
  • Root Mapping: Essential for understanding the root systems of trees in relation to construction projects.
  • Risk Assessments: Identifies potential hazards posed by trees, which is crucial for public safety.
  • Neighbouring Disputes: Resolves conflicts involving trees between neighbours by providing a professional evaluation.

Who Can Provide a Report?

Arborist reports must be prepared by certified professionals. Typically, this is done by Certificate IV arborists or higher. These professionals have the expertise and qualifications to conduct thorough assessments and provide accurate reports. A Certificate IV in Arboriculture is a recognised qualification in Australia, ensuring that the arborist has undergone extensive training and possesses substantial knowledge in tree care and management.

Arborist Report and Tree Inspections

It’s important to differentiate between an arborist report and a tree inspection:

  • Arborist Report: This formal document includes a comprehensive assessment and is often required for official purposes such as permit applications and legal disputes. It is detailed, authoritative, and significant in decision-making processes related to tree management and safety.
  • Tree Inspection: A less formal and less expensive alternative, tree inspections provide a general overview of a tree's condition without the detailed documentation in an arborist report. While basic assessments and routine check-ups are useful, tree inspections are not typically sufficient for official requirements.
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When Do You Need an Arborist Report?

An arborist report is typically required in several scenarios, such as:

  • Development Applications: When building or construction work is planned near trees.
  • Protected Tree Work: If you intend to work on or remove a protected tree.
  • Health Assessments: To evaluate the condition and health of a tree, especially if there are visible signs of disease or decay.
  • Tree Management Plans: To create a strategic tree care and maintenance approach.
  • Dispute Resolutions: When there are disagreements between neighbours regarding tree issues.
  • Risk Evaluations: To assess and mitigate potential hazards posed by trees.
  • Root Mapping and Valuation: For construction projects that might impact tree roots and to estimate the value of significant trees.

How to Obtain an Arborist Report?

To obtain an arborist report, you should:

  1. Find a Qualified Arborist: Look for a certified arborist with a Certificate IV in Arboriculture or higher.
  2. Request a Quote: Contact the arborist to discuss your needs and get a detailed quote for the report.
  3. Site Visit: The arborist will conduct an on-site evaluation of the tree(s).
  4. Report Compilation: The arborist compiles the findings into a detailed report, which you can then use for your specific requirements.


An arborist report is crucial in tree management, ensuring proper care and risk mitigation. Whether for development projects, dispute resolution, or assessing tree health, these reports provide essential insights for informed decision-making. By engaging a certified arborist, you can access detailed evaluations that support various needs, from permit applications to hazard assessments. Investing in a comprehensive arborist report helps safeguard the environment and public safety, making it an indispensable resource for anyone involved in tree-related activities.