home repairs

Life’s very busy today, and small problems in our homes can be overlooked because there are much bigger issues in the world. Nevertheless, is this a question about whether there are some things it is best to probably not leave unnoticed and ignored? It can cause damages that are costly and pose safety and health issues.

Today, we’ve gathered six house repairs that you cannot afford to wait until the weekends to make it to the list.

Leaking Roof

Dampproofing is a repair that requires one to seek professional help without putting it on hold. Water can accrue in walls, ceilings, and floors, and when this happens, extensive damage is always the result. It also leads to mould formation, which is hazardous for your health as well as the health of your family members. If you see any hazards of a leaking roof, like stains on the walls or water droppings, you should seek help from a roof repair expert. If you don’t act, the problem will only worsen, and if and when it needs fixing, you will end up paying much more to repair.

Roof Repair Camberwell

Foundation Cracks and Structural Issues

Leakage, dampening, and other such problems are also common, as are foundation cracks and structural problems. Hairline cracks in your walls and floor—while they may be innocuous—signify some serious trouble, like settling or soil erosion. These problems may result in one or some of the following ill effects: floors become slanted and may even have water moulding, doors and windows may not shut correctly, and in the worst-case scenario, whole houses might crumble down. In case you identify any crack or any other extent of destruction, seek the service of a professional to advise you. This can be especially costly if not treated early because additional problems are likely to ensue.

Peeling Caulk and Paint in Wet Areas

If you have peeled off the joints, caulked, and painted in areas that are more often saturated with water, like the washrooms and the kitchen, you will likely find mould and mildew. In the long run this results in health issues and would require expensive restoration. To prevent this you should periodically check these areas and touch up the caulk and paint here as necessary. Wash it off if there are signs of mould or mildew and make sure there's good ventilation so the mould or mildew does not grow back.

Loose or Exposed Wiring

This has particularly become a danger if there is loose or exposed wiring. Loose wires may lead to a fire or electrocution. If you find any situation where the wiring is loose or exposed, don’t hesitate to call an electrician. Do not attempt to repair it yourself because this could prove fatal and lead to other problems.

Mould, Fungus, and Mildew

People also experience health issues associated with cohabiting with mould, fungus, or mildew, such as respiratory diseases, allergies, and asthma. On top of that, they can also eat infesting surfaces such as drywall and wood. Specifically, if mould or mildew has grown, they should be washed on sight, and, of course, the cause, such as excessive moisture or poor air circulation, dealt with at the same time. It is then common to have to strip off the affected material and make some repairs in the area that has been affected.


Termites, rodents, and cockroaches are very destructive and annoying insects that can hurt your health and damage your home. Rodents and cockroaches can contaminate food and cause disease as well as weaken the wooden furniture in your home by eating it. If there are signs of pests, you should consult a professional pest control service as soon as possible. The later the issue is addressed, the larger the affected area and hence the harder it will be to contain it.


In short, repairs that don’t get done can make things worse, causing worse damages, safety issues, and even worse health problems. Such problems must be dealt with as soon as possible to avoid escalation. If you are in doubt about how to rectify something or even the severity of the problem, then it would not be a bad idea to go to a professional. In this case, it is always better to be sure than to be sorry later on, meaning one had better act carefully.