E-scooter Safety Tips

Electric Scooter Services Melbourne

Riding e-scooters has been on the rise due to their eco-friendliness and increasing affordability. However, while it’s fun to ride one, it’s important to be careful to avoid accidents and falls. You can’t just get on an e-scooter without ensuring that you will be safe in case any fall occurs. From wearing protective wear to sticking to the speed limits, there are a few safety tips you need to follow when you want to drive an e-scooter. Let’s find them here:

  • Keep your hands on both handles

You may feel adventurous and thrilled to ride an e-scooter with one hand. And it may also be tempting sometimes to check the notifications on your phone while riding. Take control of your mind and stop taking your hands off the handles.

You can easily lose control when you are driving with one hand. You will soon find yourself on the ground with scraped knees and elbows. Don’t be overconfident when riding an e-scooter, and if you want to attend to a call, stop the scooter completely and then do what you need to do.

  • Use a proper helmet

Anything can happen while you’re on the road. Whether it’s because of your mistake or inattentive co-passengers, there is always the chance of accidents. It’s important to protect yourself to face unfortunate events on the road. Wear a proper helmet that fits your head snugly. Also, wear other protective gear like gloves, horn bells, sunglasses, etc., and add lights to your scooter for nighttime driving.

  • Get your scooter inspected regularly

Like cars and other vehicles, it’s important to check your scooter for regular inspections. Maintaining your e-scooter will ensure that you’re protected from the errors that the scooter might make while you’re on the road. Always check your scooter’s condition before you get on it. If you find anything suspicious, you can always go to an electric scooter services shop for a diagnosis.

  • If it doesn’t come with lights, add them

Do you always ride your e-scooter in the daytime? No, right. Then it’s important to add lights to it for safe rides after the sun goes down. Add headlights, tail lights, neon lights for the wheels, and wherever necessary. You can also buy a scooter that comes with lights which save you the trouble of adding them yourself.

For extra protection, you can wear bright-coloured accessories like neon bands and jackets so that others will easily recognise you on the road during nighttime.

  • One person at a time

E-scooters are designed for solo driving. Riding with two or more persons is not only dangerous but also difficult to drive. Use the scooter one person at a time and there won’t be anything difficult when you are riding. Also, using a tandem is not recommended, however, if you wish to have one, then make sure to take precautions like wearing a helmet and riding at a speed limit.

  • Slow down before looking back or turning

E-scooters don’t come with side mirrors like in cars and other vehicles. So, drivers often develop a habit of looking back before taking a turn. And anything can happen in that split second, especially if you’re not slowing down your scooter. You can easily lose balance on your scooter as your weight shifts. Be alert and slow down your vehicle while taking turns or when you have to look back to see the incoming vehicles.

  • Protect your eyes

Most of the helmets come with a glass separator that protects your eyes from dust particles when you’re driving. But if your helmet doesn’t have one, it’s good to wear sunglasses.

It protects you from the bugs that get stuck between your eyelids and other dust particles. You don’t have to remove your hand from the handle to rub your eyes and you will be protected from misbalance. You will have a safe driving knowing that your eyes and head are safe.

E-scooters take you to your favourite destination in a fun and thrilling way. However, when using one, you have to take the necessary measures to have a safe ride. Ensure to follow the above safety tips and make sure to regularly inspect the scooter to avoid surprises like breakdowns on the road.

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