Benefits of Aluminium-Based Decking

Aluminium & Steel Decking

When you think of a deck, wood is the primary material that comes to your mind. And you may think of concrete after wood. However, the more sustainable, strong, lightweight, and weather-resistant material is gaining popularity in deck construction – that is aluminium.

Modern construction industries include aluminium as one of the building materials because of its many benefits. Used in both commercial and residential buildings, you can safely consider this as the primary material for your deck.

But if you need some reasons to get convinced, below are the great pros of aluminium-based decking.

  • Stronger than traditional timber decks

Aluminium may seem light but is stronger than traditional options like timber decking. Statistically, it is two to three times stronger than both wood and concrete. It has superior strength and rigidity that is needed for a structure material. No matter how heavy objects you place on the aluminium deck, there will be no sagging. It can withstand large planters and makes your deck aesthetic and strong.

  • Very light, which makes it easier to handle and install

Aluminium is very light, which makes it easy to transport, carry and install. It weighs only one-third or one-fourth of the wood, making it easier to handle. The people you hire to construct the deck will thank you for choosing aluminium as they can handle it better.

  • Green and sustainable

If you want to have an eco-friendly and sustainable deck at your place, aluminium is a great choice. It is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and doesn’t release any VOCs when you first install it. And it’s also effectively recyclable, so if you want to use 100% of the material in the future, then choose aluminium. In a nutshell, aluminium is indestructible and comes with a whole green profile.

  • Pest resistant

With timber decks, you may face problems like infestation of termites, ants, and wasps. Unless you do regular polishing and sanding, timber decking may wither without proper care.

On the other hand, aluminium offers great resistance to infestation, so even if you throw any insects on the deck, they won’t be able to make a home on your deck. Also, if you live in wet-prone areas, then an aluminium deck will do you a favour.

  • Weather resistance and moisture resistance

Like termite-resistant, aluminium is also weather and moisture-resistant. It can’t be affected if it rains or snows in your area. As the surface of the material is impervious, moisture can’t seep into the deeper layers so you won’t face problems like cracks, splinters, warping, twisting, and cracking like you do in wood decks.

It also won’t have sun damage like plastics, is rust-proof and doesn’t show any reaction to salt water. So, if you live near the beach, then aluminium is the best option.

  • Fire resistance

If the aluminium deck gets in contact with sparks or flames, it’s not affected by it. It will not burn, char, or melt like you see in other deck materials. You can safely put a barbeque stand or any cooking equipment and celebrate enjoyable evenings with your family without the fear of fire sparks damaging the deck surface.

  • Aesthetically pleasing and UV-resistant

Considering aluminium’s natural colour, you may think it doesn’t suit your home theme. However, it’s available in several colours including faux wood grain. Also, the coloured finishes are UV-resistant and don’t fade with time. The paint colour stays forever but if you wish to change the colour, you can coat the deck with a different colour.

  • Low maintenance

You can clean the deck easily – pressure wash it once in a while to remove stains, dust, and dirt on the surface. Even if you don’t clean the stains immediately, you can remove them during washing. Any scratches on the surface are easily cleared by doing touch-ups.

  • Durability

With advantages like weather resistance, termite resistance, stain resistance, and low maintenance, you can expect the aluminium deck to last longer. It has the strength to withstand high foot traffic and rough usage. Make sure to give proper care once in a while so that the deck serves as long as possible.

The above are the benefits of an aluminium deck that will convince you to consider it for your next decking project in either residential or commercial property.