Effective Tips for Improving Office Air Quality

Poor air quality inside the workplace can severely impact the health of your employees. It is often one of the underrated issues in an office, and if ignored will lead to health issues like headaches, congestion, and nasal and throat irritation. Poor health in your employees will decrease your productivity rate and increase the number of employees on leave of absence.

Office Cleaning in Dandenong

As a workplace is crowded with employees and clients, you should ensure that the air inside is breathable by everyone. Whether your office is big or small, it’s one of the safety precautions you have to take as a business owner.

Let’s see here what you can do.

Improve the Air Quality Inside Your Office:

  • Optimise your ventilation

Ventilation in an office is not just about having windows and doors and keeping them open. You should have sufficient fans and an HVAC unit that operates on outside air as well. Older cooling systems don’t usually work on outside air which can reduce the air quality inside your office. Consider installing systems that ensure to filter fresh air throughout your office space.

  • Keep your carpet and furniture clean (hire professionals)

Always keep your office clean and neat, even though the entire space is covered with tables, chairs, and carpets. Regular vacuuming, sanitising and dusting are the easy ways to keep away the allergens. If there is heavy foot traffic, make sure to hire professionals for the comprehensive office cleaning service. It includes carpet cleaning, window cleaning, sanitising furniture, and vacuuming the floors. It will remove disease-causing germs from inside your office and keep the fresh air intact.

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  • Make sure to use eco-friendly cleaning products

When using cleaning products, make sure they are eco-friendly. They won’t release harsh chemicals into the air inside the office and keep the environment clean and work-friendly. Also, when hiring cleaning professionals, make sure they are using eco-friendly products. You can ask them about the products and tools they are using before hiring them.

  • Add plants around your space

Adding plants inside your office will not only look livelier but also remove pollutants from the air. As plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, you will always have fresh air and your employees can work well with the increased freshness. Make sure there are plants at the entrance of the office and corners, your employees can also put a small plant on their desks for increased freshness.

Plants for Office Air Quality

  • Use dehumidify areas that are prone to dampness

If your office space has more dampness, then consider installing dehumidifiers. They will remove the moisture and humidity keeping the air fresh and light. They also don’t promote the breeding of bacteria or fungi that thrive in wet areas. It can also help with spills and splashes that could occur when employees are drinking water.

  • Upgrade your HVAC systems

Make sure the HVAC systems are updated to the latest models in your office. As discussed earlier, the latest models operate on outside air and filter fresh air throughout your office. It is beneficial to your employees who can inhale fresh air and have zero problems while working. It can also remove allergens and pollutants that circulate inside your office thus keeping the area clean and neat.

  • Train your employees on cleanliness

Using masks or clothes while sneezing and coughing will not let new allergens into the air. Train all your employees to use safety precautions if they are sick or having respiratory issues. Make sure they use sanitisers and masks, especially if they have to attend a meeting in a closed room with other employees. In that way, you can maintain cleanliness and keep the inside office air clean.

Final thoughts

Improving air quality inside your office need not be complicated or time-consuming. However, if you are having busy days with no proper time for cleaning, you can always rely on professionals. They not only use standard cleaning products but also systematically work throughout your office area and keep the area neat.